How to make the transition to a healthy lifestyle

3 min read

The best way to go to a healthy lifestyle – to begin with a single area. For example, during the first month, you can focus only on your breathing. Once the proper, deep breathing will be familiar to you, move on to physical exercise. Once you get used to them regularly, focus on your diet, etc.

Or you can start with changes in your diet. First, stop drinking coffee and dispose of your menu all products that contain caffeine. Start eating more fruits and vegetables. Gradually change your diet, yet it does not remain only healthy foods.

Find something that will work for you. If you never went to the gym, because exercise does not attract you, try to do it now. Perhaps this exercise will be most effective for you. Sign up for a gym, do some martial arts, start going to the pool.


To simplify your transition to a healthy lifestyle, you should arrange to have strong emotional levers that control you. You must be a good reason and earnest desire, forcing you to follow your goals. Without sufficient desire, you will be hard to change anything, especially if before you were lazy and had a lot of bad habits. Be sure to specify your reasons. What you need to monitor your health? The reason may be to improve the appearance, desire more energy, prolong life, achieving success in sport, etc. Find the cause, which will give you a powerful motivation.


While willpower is an essential element in the transition to a healthy lifestyle, do not forget that it has its limit. The presence of the forces will be useful in the presence of short deadlines. If the goal spread over an indefinite period, your willpower can leave you.

Use it to create an environment that will support your choice. Forget the diet away from home, sign up in the fitness center, go to a dietician, etc.

Track progress

When you experiment with a new diet or exercise with a new apartment complex, you should be able to determine – whether they work or not? To do this you must find a way to measure your results. This will allow you to understand, in the right or in the wrong direction, you move towards your goal. Also, such information will enhance your awareness and help in the future to make wiser decisions.

Here are some indicators that can be used to assess progress in the area of your health:

  • Weight.
  • Percentage of fat.
  • Photos in a bathing suit or swimming trunks.
  • Measuring the volume of the body.
  • Analysis of blood sugar.
  • Blood pressure.
  • pH.

You do not use all the indicators, concentrate on a few of them. Start measurement with a baseline to determine the starting point. Then, continue to regularly record your results. You can do this once a day, once every three days, once a week, etc.

In addition, you should monitor the results of your work, you must follow and for most activities, too. This will help you see how the progress of your training correlated with the progress indicators of your health. Also, you can see how fast you grow. For each type of exercise a measure of progress will be ours. This can be raised by the dumbbell weight, number of hours on a treadmill, distance traveled during an evening walk, etc. If you do not every day, fix the days that you have devoted to physical exercises.

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